How do I accept donations with PayPal?

The PayPal Donate button is a convenient and cost-effective way to collect donations online. 

Charities can use PayPal to collect donations and can receive a discounted rate. To get the discounted rate, we need to confirm your charity account.

You can begin the confirmation process at You’ll need to provide information to prove that:

  • Your organization is legally registered with the appropriate regulatory body.
  • You’re a representative of the organization.

When donors click your Donate button, they complete their donation on the PayPal site. There are no monthly or set-up fees with donation button payments. Your organization only pays processing fees when they receive a donation.

Other features:

  • Customers can choose to automatically give a monthly donation to your organization. Both the organization and the customer can control the automatic payments in their respective profile settings if they would like to cancel or change the amount.
  • Donate button is automatically mobile-optimized for easier payments on small devices.

PayPal attempts to collect recurring payments from subscribers on the day after the previous billing cycle or trial period ends. Billing cycles can be daily, weekly, monthly or yearly, depending on the terms of the original subscription. 

You can view examples of how Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly billing cycles are collected at our PayPal Developer site here: How Subscription Billing Cycles Work.

Visit our PayPal Nonprofits site to learn all about the tools PayPal provides to help nonprofits raise money.

To receive recurring donations, simply set up a Donate button and integrate it into your site. View our PayPal Developer page to see the current Donate experience. 

A business must have a registered CNPJ to be able to create a non-profit PayPal account. Only these types of accounts can receive donations.

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