How do I change the name on my PayPal account?

You can change the name on your account on the web (up to 2 characters) if it's misspelled, and only once after creating your PayPal account.

It’s not possible to change the name on your account to another person's name. If you are making a legal or major name change, you may be required to upload supporting documentation.

Note: Users can change ownership but only on Business Accounts and only when they have provided proper documentation.

To change your name:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Change name.
  3. Select your type of name change.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen and click either Continue or Update Name.

We may ask you to upload supporting documentation, like a valid photo ID.

If asked to provide documentation, include photos of both the front and back of your ID, and be sure it’s not expired. It should show the whole document clearly, with no blur, glare, or shadows. We can’t accept documents if any part is covered, blocked, or missing. All 4 corners must be visible.

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