Can I create estimates for my customers?

Send professional estimates to give your customers the expected cost and description of your goods or services. PayPal estimates let your customers easily make approvals or request changes.

Creating estimates is similar to creating detailed payment requests. Just like detailed payment request, you can add your logo, save item descriptions, work from templates, and customize the estimate number. You can save estimates as templates for future detailed payment request and estimates.

What happens after I send an estimate?

When you send an estimate through PayPal, your customer will receive an email notifying them of the estimate and allowing them to view the estimate details. The customer will be able to accept the estimate or request changes.
When a customer accepts an estimate, you’ll get an email notifying you. You’ll be able to convert the estimate into a detailed payment request.

If your customer requests changes, we’ll let you know with an email. Your customer can include a note about these changes. When you update the estimate, your customer will receive an email notification asking them to review and accept your changes.

If needed, you can always cancel your estimate. When you cancel an estimate, your customer will receive an email notifying them of the cancellation.

Can I update an estimate that the customer already accepted?

If you update the details on an estimate after a customer has accepted it, the estimate status will revert to “Sent.”

This ensures that your customer knows about the updates and accepts your changes.

Can I convert estimates into detailed payment requests?

Convert your estimate into a detailed payment request at any time. Your customer doesn’t need to accept the estimate through PayPal for you to convert it into a detailed payment request.

When you convert an estimate, all details, including your customer’s email, item descriptions, discounts, terms, etc., automatically populate a draft detailed payment request. The same goes for any payment options you’ve selected, such as partial payments or tips. You’ll be able to edit and preview this detailed payment request before sending it to your customer.

Do PayPal’s terms and conditions apply to estimates?

PayPal estimates are a convenient tool to make it easier for you to communicate with your customers. All estimates and updates are between you and your customer and PayPal isn’t a party to them. You’re entirely responsible for the details therein, whether they’re binding or not, and any understanding you reach with your customers. You take full responsibility for your use of PayPal estimates.

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