Risk management

Help protect your business with smart risk management tools.

Our rich intelligence and machine learning technology help you protect your business and manage risk in the background, saving time and unnecessary stress. So you can get back to doing what you love.

Smiling business owner checking her tea inventory in large glass mason jars

Trusted risk intelligence

Extensive experience

Lean on expertise earned through securely processing more than 1 billion monthly transactions.1

Fraud detection technology

Our fraud detection tools get smarter with each transaction to help you protect your business from existing and evolving threats.

Global consumer network

With one of the world’s largest payments datasets, we can help you connect with qualified customers around the globe.

PSD2 and 3DS

The platform has built-in compliance with Strong Customer Authentication for PSD2 and cardholder authentication with 3D Secure

Protection for PayPal payments

When you accept PayPal, Pay in 3,2 or payments from PayPal invoices, we can help your business reduce the impact of financial losses—even when you’re facing a customer dispute—with Seller Protection on eligible transactions. Limits apply

24/7 fraud monitoring

Our constant monitoring helps detect fraudulent transactions, so you can rest easy.

No additional charge for Seller Protection

We understand how important it is to not have to worry about fraudulent transactions, so there’s no additional charge for our Seller Protection service.

Dispute resolution

If your buyer tells you about an issue, we’ll be there. And we’ll hold the disputed funds securely while we help you work toward a resolution.

Protection for card payments

Let us manage your risk with Chargeback Protection or use our Fraud Protection dashboard to take control of your own risk management.

Help keep chargebacks in check

Chargeback Protection helps reduce the risk of fraudulent credit or debit card transactions in real time by evaluating whether to approve or decline each transaction. If one turns out to be fraudulent or results in an item not received dispute and you provide the required evidence, we’ll waive the chargeback fee and purchase amount on eligible transactions.3

  • Optimise authorisation rate and risk management automatically

  • Small fee charged for each eligible transaction in addition to normal merchant transaction fees

No risk expertise needed

Built into Advanced Credit and Debit Card payments. No new integration needed.

Detect fraud

The rich data from our 15+ billion annual transactions enable real-time transaction fraud analysis and order decisioning.

Avoid false declines

Reduce the instance of false declines and avoid awkward conversations with customers.

Stay ahead of the fraudsters

Get more insight and control to help balance chargebacks and declines. Fraud Protection delivers intelligence from both the merchant and consumer sides of transactions, combined with advanced machine learning and analytics, to help you protect your business from existing and evolving threats.

  • Control decisions from your own Fraud Protection workbench

  • Set risk rules and filters to manage and tune your risk profile

  • No additional fee for Fraud Protection

No new integration required

Save time and resources because this risk analysis solution is already built in to Advanced Credit and Debit Card payments.

Tap into rich intelligence

Put our expertise to work for you. We can give you a transaction score based on the trends we see in PayPal transactions.

Balance risk and conversion

Automatically approve and reject transactions based on custom, out-of-the-box filters. You can also set risk rules and filters to fit your risk tolerance.

Frequently asked questions

Learn from our experts

Explore helpful articles, case studies, and webinars about business operations that can help you run your business.

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Every business needs a reliable payment partner. From secure payment processing to helpful business insights, we’re here for you.