Czym jest opłata za brak aktywności?

PayPal has an inactivity fee in certain countries to maintain inactive accounts. 

Notifications to inactive accounts begin on September 19, 2024. To avoid the fee, do any of the following before November 1, 2024:

  • Log in to your account
  • Pay with PayPal
  • Send money to friends or family using your PayPal account
  • Withdraw money from your PayPal account
  • Donate to a charity using PayPal 

This fee will only impact eligible accounts that haven't been active within the past 12 months. The fee will be the lesser of the account balance or 45 PLN. Accounts with a zero balance won’t be impacted and this won’t result in any negative balance.

If an account remains inactive and no longer has a positive balance, PayPal may close the account in accordance with the PayPal User Agreement section “Closing your PayPal Account”.

Note: Personal accounts registered in Germany/Austria/Italy/Greece/Hungary/Poland are excluded from the inactivity fee assessment for 2023.

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